Sunday, July 27, 2008

Happy Sunday!

Hello! Hope you had a great weekend! Ours has been eventful! We all got up to go to church this morning knowing we were going to have to get our pictures taken for our church directory. So between making sure the little one got a shower 45 minutes before we were suppose to be leaving, dealing with my middle daughter finding clothes to fit her very choosy taste in clothing and my oldest making sure her hair is just right...we made it with 1 minute to spare!!
Cody began not feeling well but held strong during the service. We got our pictures taken but she she was devastated when we told her I had to stay for a Vacation Bible School meeting afterwards. So, Brittany took her home while Sierra and I stayed, ate pizza and waited for the meeting to start. Brittany came back and all went well.
Our Pastor is on vacation for a few days so we had one of our small group coordinators to do the sermon. It's funny, sometimes when you hear things from someone you aren't used to hearing it from, it really hits home. He made some great points, we are to get out of our comfort zone and do Gods work here on this earth. They set up a booth in People's Park here in Bloomington a week or so ago. And if any of you are from Bloomington, you know that People's Park isn't the same place that it was when I used to go there and sit on the wall as a teenager and watch the cars go by and talk to friends on a Friday night. No, this place is not for the faint of heart. There are many homeless folks there and probably even more drug deals going on. It isn't a pretty place to be. Well, these saints from church (including many teens) set up a booth with a sign that read, "How can I pray for you?" They gave away free pizza and water as well. The outcome was phenomenal! People approached them constantly, some angry, some beaten, some hurting, some addicted, some homeless...but one thing they had in common; they were all in need. Not in need of pizza or water. But they needed something to fill a void inside them that only Jesus Christ can fill.

"And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people. And they were all with one accord in Solomon's Porch. Yet none of the rest dared join them, but the people esteemed them highly. And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women, so that they brought the sick out into the streets and laid them on beds and couches, that at least the shadow of Peter passing by might fall on some of them." Acts 5:12-15

Is your shadow casting far enough? Mine isn't. I admit, it's easy to live our lives each day without stopping to see the hurting, the sick, the homeless, the addicted and so much more. I do it too. But we all need to get out of our comfort zone and cast our shadows unto the world! There's no better time than now! Go out and make a difference in someones life. Then put those comments on here. Come on, you can and will be an inspiration for others reading this blog!

Have a blessed Sunday,


Anonymous said...

Ok, honestly I just want to scream my head off at you... I want to be upset that you are putting it out there to be out of your comfort zone. WHY??? WEll, the same day you posted this I was contacted by our Youth Coordinator & asked to assist not one but 2 Sundays in our 11a.m. Kindergarten Sunday school class. So what you say.. that's no big deal you already give a whole whoppin' 1 Sunday a month to this anyway right? Yup but the catch was she was asking me to TEACH BOTH of them as the Lead Teacher was going to be GONE! My words exactly were "Are you trying to get me out of my comfort zone? (nervous giggle)"

I've gotten soooooo far from the Christian I was just over a year ago that I barely recognize my Christian self.

So here I sit tonight already emotional over memories of trying times I'd gone through in my past that I tend to keep tucked deep away but todays events brought them out & WHAMO there you are on MySpace just chattin about your blog... and on your blog sending out the message of getting out of your comfort zone & there I was Sunday being asked to get out of mine.

Last time I knew there was a season of growth I blatantly & loudly proclaimed that I knew it was coming & I wanted nothing to do with it and now here I sit... distant.

Thank Angie -- for your words of wisdom, know that they are reaching out. Now just for me to put my selfishness & fears on hold, NO... away as in gone & gone. I DO have faith, I just try so hard to do it myself. It's a lesson I seem to have to learn over & over.

Thank you for your heart dear! As always, I think you are amazing! (Even if you did make me cry)


Unknown said...

Wow Kelly! Now you went and made me cry! :) I know you have faith...and TONS of it! I hope you said, "Yes, yes, yes!" to teaching Sunday School! I know you can't not only do it, but do it fabulously! You are a true Soldier of God lady, don't hide your spiritual gifts!
It is hard to go outside out comfort zone! Believe it or not, I am terribly shy. There has been a lot of sin in my life. It's harder than I thought to overcome the shyness and to reveal personal aspects of my lives. But, I have to keep marching on because it has all been forgiven and washed clean...PRAISE GOD! No matter how bad getting out of my comfort zone gets, we gotta get out of the comfort zone nest, so to speak! It's time to fly for the Lord!
Love ya Kelly! :)

Unknown said...

Oops! I mean *I know you CAN not only do it...*
Sometimes I get so excited writing, I forget to go back and proof read. Sorry about all the past and future typo's!