Friday, May 13, 2011

Life Lessons

Throughout the years I have learned a lot from my family, good and bad. #1 If we aren't going to be here for our one is! #2. My future grandchildren WILL have a grandparent in their life because it is so very essential. #3 I am, and always will be here for my children whenever they need me. I have learned by not having family that this too is essential. #4. I will tell my children "I love you" every single day just as my mom did, because we don't know when you might say it for the last time. I miss having a parent that tells me that. #5. Even though they don't like getting up early and going to church, I want to instill Godly morals in my kids and pray that they stick up for what they believe. So thankful for all of my kids! I love you Brittany, Cody and Sierra!!

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