Sunday, February 6, 2011

Let the writing begin!

What a blessed and wonderful weekend we had! We had so much fun, it just flew right by. So happy to get to spend some quality time with my family. I love them all dearly!

Well, I have told myself that as soon as I got a laptop, I could start writing my blog more consistently and begin on the many Christian books that I have wanted to write. Well, guess what friends, this is the weekend! I have finally gotten a laptop, hence why I am writing so often the past day or so. I am totally excited and overwhelmed at the same time! I would like to ask for prayer in that God guides my hands and mind throughout this wonderful new adventure. And also, that He leads me to the right writing jobs and that what I do is a blessing to Him. I sure wouldn't want to do anything that was a smidgen less than a blessing to our Lord.

Seems as though the weekend has gotten away from me and it is way past my bedtime. I hope everyone had a blessed weekend and has an equally blessed week to come! Stay warm!

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