Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl 2011

Okay, who will it be...Stealers or Packers? Those are the teams playing, right? As you can see, I am not a huge football fan. I do my best to watch the games because my middle daughter, Cody, is a big! football fan. She is a Colts fan, but as my Pastor said, God decided that the Colt's worked so hard, that He was just going to let them rest this time! They get to relax at home with their families to partake in the festivities just like the rest of us!

What I am totally excited about, however, is spending time watching the game with my family. We decided to have a spur of the moment little Super Bowl get together! Now it should be interesting, it will be my oldest daughter, my youngest daughter and myself who know nothing about football. We will be watching with my middle daughter and son-in-law who are huge football fans! Hhhmmm...have a feeling I will be getting "ssshhhhh" a lot during this game! Better make sure I have the ole battery changed on the laptop! :)

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!
Talk to ya'll soon!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing you have started here !! I am so proud of you. You are an inspiration to me. I know first hand how hard life can be. But I also know God is in full control. I miss going to church and socializing with others, but I also know that when I stood before God and family and promised for better or worse, sickness and in health, that I meant that from the bottom of my heart. I would change nothing. God reminds me over and over that I am keeping my word and being a good wife and mother and an example that all is possible as long as you give it to him to take care of. He never fails to amaze me.

I love you and miss your pretty smile.

Bless you.

Anonymous said...

Hi momma, just wanted to make sure you know how much I love you. I know sometmes, things might be hard. Just remember, we will always, ALWAYS be there for you!!

Love ya,